Friday, October 23, 2009


Well hello once again. First off I would just like to thank all of you for reading my blog and also for letting me know what you think by leaving comments. This is the purpose of this blog and my intent was to give Flyer fans a voice. So thanks for making Behind the Mic as popular as it is.

This post isn’t going to be very long but I hope and I think that it’s important.

As we all know by now things on the ice have not being going well for the good old Orange and Black. And I am not here today to talk about what I think they should do or give suggestions on how to improve the situation. I am here to talk to you.

As fans of the Winkler Flyers we have had to learn patience the last few years and this year is no exception. The skill and talent is there, and unfortunately some key injuries and inconsistent play have also been there.

The team is fragile, they are trying so hard to be the team that they want to be and that we want them to be and it just isn’t happening at the moment.

The last two games against the Kings and Terriers have been very encouraging. The thing they need from us I believe is support. You walk into any store, coffee shop, church, or even bathroom in the area and the conversation always seems to turn into “What the heck is happening?”

What they need from us (Flyer Nation) is support, encouragement, patience, and trust. They need fans that come to the game a cheer their faces off and help anyway they can. And if coming to the game and cheering for the Flyers is the only way you can help then please do it. We need to stand behind them and all be on the same team.

And if you are the type of person to find everything wrong and pick apart the game, the players, the coaches, and everything else then I encourage you to stay home.


  1. I agree 100%. It is easy to jump on the band wagon when everything is going well; it is the true test of character to show support in the struggling times as well.

  2. I agree with u Matt the fans ned to learn patiance with the team and if they are at he game then they should cheer LOUD and PROUD!

  3. Very well said Matt. If the fans are continually criticizing the team maybe these same fans should take a good look in the mirror. As a fan of the only NHL team winless this year it's pretty well impossible to stay positive. But I will still cheer them on when they play. So Winkler fans, cheer loud and clear next game when YOUR players take the ice. The players will give that little extra push when they know you're 100% behind them.

  4. Well said Matt, being a Rider fan, you've seen your share of lean times. Being a Bomber fan I have as well.
    Whether it's the Riders, Bombers or Flyers, they are trying their best. It's not like they like losing. Not cheering or constantly picking things apart isn't going to help.
    These are youngs guys playing for the love of the game.
